January Promo Update

By Kathy Donohoe | Promo

Promotional items are a great way for your brand to stand out. We recommend using promotional items to create a unique experience for your customers and prospects. Here are some of the items that are the most popular right now: Depending on your order quantity, we will be able to give you some better discounts. Please reach contact us for discounted pricing!

Tech Items

Our favorite: We recommend the UV sanitizer Box and Charger. In the days of Covid, we are seeing that people want to keep their phones clean. This product allows you to clean your phone (or other small objects). You could also sanitize and charge your phone at the same time.

Employee appreciation day is coming up on Friday, March 5th!

Here are some universally loved options to show your employees how much you appreciate them.


If you are interested or have any questions, please feel free to reach out. Promo@anro.com