PPE Promotional Products to Consider as We Get Back to (the “New”) Normal after COVID-19
The “green phase” for our area is just around the corner, and while that means we’re still not completely out of the woods yet with COVID-19, there’s something that feels really good about being told we’re “in the green.”
There are still many restrictions in place to promote safety while COVID-19 continues to rear its ugly head around town, but ANRO’s got you covered. We thought we would highlight a few trends in PPE Promotional Products that we’re seeing and some of the unique ways in which businesses are using PPE to promote safety as their employees get back to work.
1. Antimicrobial Brass Door Opener & Elevator Key
Are you one of those people that pull your shirt sleeve over your hand when you have to touch a public door handle? Use your elbow or pinky finger to open a door to try to avoid touching a “dirty” handle? With this promo item, you no longer need to touch those high-risk areas that are often contaminated. This brass door opener can do it for you. It’s able to be imprinted with your company name. Companies are providing them for employees to attach to their access badges or on lanyards for use while in the building.
2.Cotton two-ply printed or dye sublimination face masks
Since facemasks are required to enter any building for the foreseeable future, companies are providing branded masks to their employees (and sometimes guests). It helps identify who is an employee of the company versus a visitor, and it promotes uniformity and safety, while also creating a walking brand advertisement.
3. Clip and Go Hand Sanitizer
This one is probably the least surprising promotional item that’s trending now, but it makes a lot of sense. This branded hand sanitizer a very nice addition to a “Welcome Back” employee care package or for availability at the reception area for employees and guests.
4. Disposable Thermometers 
These disposable thermometer strips can effectively measure body temperature in Celsius and Fahrenheit in 3-5 seconds. They are designed for one-time use and individually packed. Companies that require temperature checks before entering the building are using these to confirm their staff is healthy prior to entering the building.
5. Metal Signage
These custom metal embossed aluminum signs are easily hung and serve as a great reminder for employees as they begin coming back into the office to maintain social distancing requirements and proper hygiene practices.
As we start to get back to normal, safety is many companies’ top concern. While these are only 5 of the trending PPE Promotional Items we’ve highlighted, there are many more available.
For specific needs, pricing, or questions, please reach out to Kathy at Kathy.Donohoe@anro.com.